Elitely Social

Elitely Socialalue

Technologies: BubblePlease go through our requirements document attached, as well as the Figma mockup.

For context, we have a main web application built using custom code. We are looking to extend functionalities of the main app by building an affiliate marketing portal (we call it "partner portal").
This partner portal should pull information from the main app database, do some processing, and then pass the information to the partner portal so our affiliates get informed on their affiliate links, earnings, payouts, and performance stats. luding URLs)'s value

Budget: 1000$-2000$

Contact: Elitely Group

🔗 Files: 49f79231483d685be6afa3f95e0022f2.cdn.bubble.io/f1689074009054x275064845995577800/EM-Partner%20Portal-110723-074818.pdf

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